Ted Rosen, MD
Dr. Theodore Rosen, Professor of Dermatology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, attended Michigan State University as a National Merit Scholar and graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School cum laude. He trained in internal medicine at the University of Alabama and in dermatology at Baylor. Dr. Rosen served a term on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Dermatology (2007-2011) and was recently elected as the incoming AAD Vice-President. He is also the recipient of a 2016 AAD Presidential Citation and of the 2017 AAD Thomas Pearson Memorial Award for career excellence in educational activities. He is a past Vice-President of Texas Dermatological Society, a past-President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Houston Dermatological Society and prior Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of the Dermatology Section, Southern Medical Association. He is one of two current Medical Directors for the Society for Dermatology Physician Assistants, and helps design and plan the annual SDPA summer meeting. Dr. Rosen has written over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, 24 textbook chapters and 3 textbooks, including the award-winning "Atlas of Black Dermatology." He has been a plenary speaker for many local, state, regional, national and international organizations, including the national dermatology societies of Hong Kong, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, as well as the European Academy of Dermatology. On a personal note, he is most proud of raising four, productive, sane and debt-free adult children. Dr. Rosen is an avid numismatist, diehard Chicago Cub fan and a life-long devotee of horror films.