Carl R. Thornfeldt, MD
Dr. Carl R. Thornfeldt, MD, FAAD is a practicing dermatologist at his private practice – CT Derm Pc, which opened its doors over 30 years ago. In the years since, he has dedicated his life to help alleviate problem skin conditions and improve the overall health of his patients.
Dr. Thornfeldt received his medical degree in 1977 from Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) in Portland, Oregon. He was then stationed at a U.S. Naval base in Holy Loch, Scotland as the general practice physician on base, and subsequently completed his residency and dermatology specialty training at University Hospital, U.C. San Diego.
He has 22 U.S. patents granted, and has published over 40 scientific articles, including chapters in multiple textbooks focused on cosmeceu¬ticals, delivery systems, natural products and unique dermatology therapy options. He has also spent twenty-five years focus¬ing on researching abnormalities of the skin barrier, delivery systems and herbs.
Upon finishing his formal medical training, Dr. Thornfeldt moved his family to Oregon to start practicing in a rural part of the state. His belief is that patients living in rural areas deserve access to high quality health care.
He is also the CEO and founder of Episciences, Inc – the maker of Epionce skin care line. After years of skin barrier research and seeing first-hand the effects of skin disease in his private practice, Dr. Thornfeldt developed the Epionce skin care line and quickly began seeing dramatic improve¬ments in his patients.
Dr. Thornfeldt speaks all over the United States and internationally about topics in dermatology, skin disease and innovative therapies. He continually researches new theories in skin care and how to apply them in his practice.