Victoria Lazareth, MA, MSN, NP-C, DCNP
Victoria Lazareth MA, MSN, NP-C, DCNP is a Board Certified Dermatology Nurse Practitioner. She received her undergraduate degree from Wagner College, N.Y., post-graduate degrees from Webster University in Geneva, Switzerland and Simmons College in Boston and attained national Nurse Practitioner certification in 1997. Having received her dermatology training directly from the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Ms. Lazareth continues to serve as Affiliate professor at both the UMass and Simmons College Graduate Schools of Nursing. She is a contributing author to the text Dermatology for Advanced Practice Clinicians: Essential Knowledge and Skills, the published author of several Dermatology articles, a content editor for the Journal of the Dermatology Nurses’ Association and lecturer for several professional societies. She provides General Dermatology care and sub-specializes in Cutaneous Oncology, Transplant Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery.