Risha Bellomo, MPAS, PA-C
Risha Bellomo, MPAS, PA-C has over 20 years of healthcare experience. Risha graduated with Honors from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Chemistry and received her Master’s Degree through the University of Florida’s College of Medicine in Physician Assistants Studies. Over the last twelve years she has worked alongside Dr. Matt Leavitt with Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in Orlando, Florida as a Senior PA and Cosmetic Trainer for the practice. Risha is also founder & CEO of Bellomo Consulting and BCI Management & Communications, in which she develops medical educational programs, meeting management and practice management and marketing. Risha has developed multiple speaker programs and educational slide presentations, including psoriasis, rosacea, acne, patient educational seminars, cosmetic training seminars, photodynamic therapy workshops, laser workshops, and regional educational dinners for dermatology Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners. She is a national speaker and enjoys her time traveling around the United States educating her peers.
Risha is the key cosmetic writer for the National Journal of Dermatology Physician Assistants since 2008 and has been published multiple times in Skin & Aging, The Dermatologist and Advanced for NPs and PAs. Risha was named Woman of the Year 2010/2011 by the National Association of Professional Women. She was the key cosmetic dermatology provider in Central Florida’s Extreme Bridal Makeover. Risha also takes great pride in co-founding the Florida Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants and gives back to her profession as a faculty preceptor for the University of Florida and Nova Southeastern. In her spare time she enjoys playing video games and spending time with her two sons and her husband.