Jeffrey Benabio, MD
Dr. Benabio is a practicing dermatologist and Physician Director of Health Care Transformation at Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, where he leads several projects, including social networking for physicians, lean initiatives, and technology-enhanced healthcare delivery.
Dr. Benabio is the voice behind, The Derm Blog (www.thedermblog.com), a blog dedicated to educating patients about skin health and wellness. An expert in social media, Dr. Benabio pens “Digital Dermatology,” a monthly column on social media, technology, and healthcare for Skin & Allergy News and gives an average of 20 talks per year to health care professionals on topics such as Managing Your Online Reputation, How Physicians Can Use Social Media Safely, and The Changing Role of the Physician. He serves as an external advisory board member for the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media.
He is often quoted in both print and online publications including O, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, Health Magazine, and WebMD. Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Benabio was named “A Rock Star of Dermatology” by Glamour Magazine, making him his niece’s coolest uncle.
He lives in downtown San Diego and enjoys hiking, traveling, and politics. Connect with him on Twitter @Dermdoc or drop him a line at [email protected].